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Unchained Recovery is committed to the work of healing people and their families who have been impacted by unwanted sexual behaviors. We walk alongside both you and your spouse throughout recovery as you heal and mend your relationship.

Here you will find hope as you discover freedom.



Breaking free from pornography, affairs, sexual fantasy or other unwanted sexual behaviors is hard work! I know because it was the hardest thing I have ever done. As a recovering sex addict myself, I understand the frustration of trying to quit. I made promises to myself, my wife, and God only to fail again and again. I know what it is like to hit rock bottom. I draw on the relevant experiences my clients and I share, in addition to my specialized training to create a personalized and guided approach that is both direct and sincere. This allows me to use wit, compassion, faith, and evidence-based recovery practices to guide men to the changes they are seeking.

I hold a Masters in Marriage and Family Counseling and a Bachelors in Christian Counseling both from Liberty University. In addition, I am a Certified Associate Sex Addiction Therapist (ASAT) I trained under Dr. Patrick Carnes, the leading expert and speaker on sex addiction treatment. In addition, I trained through APSAT (Association of Partners of Sex Addicts and Trauma Specialists) and I am a Certified Genesis Relapse Prevention Specialist as well. My approach aims to break the cycle of sexual addiction by understand the causes of behaviors, identify warning signs, and bring healing that allows you to respond differently.

I have experienced firsthand the power of the church to provide both a place of freedom and healing. Unfortunately, I have also seen it be a place of judgment and pain for many during my years facilitating men’s sexual recovery groups. No matter what your experience has been, there is a way out. Let me help you develop your personal vision in life with integrity, honesty, and health by providing you a safe place to explore and learn new skills as you discover freedom and connection. 


Being betrayed is traumatic no matter who does it. The closer the person is the more it hurts, something I am all too familiar with. As a woman married to a man who struggled with sexual addiction, I have been prepared to walk alongside other women who have experienced betrayal trauma. As a teen, in my early years of counseling, I realized I was called to help other girls who experienced sexual trauma. I now see my life as an example of how one person’s pain can offer hope to others.

My own betrayal group work showed me I was not alone! I knew that there were other women who were there to listen to me. They offered me hope and support, and most of all they walked beside me and shared in my journey.

My healing process has uniquely qualified me to walk alongside other women experiencing the pain of betrayal trauma. I have led many women’s betrayal recovery groups in churches & online. I am also a former Regional Group Advisor supporting betrayal recovery groups throughout Washington and Alaska. This has taught me empathy and compassion for the women I work with as a Minister. I am a certified Pastoral Sex Addiction Professional (PSAP) through IITAP (International Institute of Trauma and Addiction Professionals). I have been trained through APSAT (Association of Partners of Sex Addicts and Trauma Specialists) and I am also a Genesis Certified Relapse Prevention Specialist. In addition to helping other women heal I am a mom of two special needs young men. I have been their advocate, not just in everyday life but also in the school system and with their own therapies as well.

As you consider taking this step toward your own healing, know that there is hope and you do not have to go through this alone! Not only is God faithful to hold you, I will walk alongside and support you as well. My encouragement to you is to trust God and trust the healing process.  

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